The Power of Tailoring Your Communication Style for Different Personalities

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Ever wonder why some conversations feel effortless while others feel like pulling teeth? The answer lies in communication styles. Our personalities, backgrounds, and experiences all shape how we communicate. For lawyers, mastering communication is essential for effective client relationships, courtroom success, and team collaboration.  

To enhance your communication skills, start by identifying your own style and learning to recognise those of others. There are four key communication styles: analytical, emotional, passive, and assertive. Understanding these styles will allow you to tailor your approach, leading to better interactions and more successful outcomes. Here’s how to identify your style and adapt to others: 


An analytical communicator appreciates detailed information and logical explanations – you’ll notice that they will be the ones that will ask a lot of questions to understand the details. They like data, facts and well-reasoned arguments. Be clear when communicating with them and make sure the points you are making are well organised in a logical sequence, using headings and bullet points to enhance readability in written form.  


The emotional communicator tends to be emotionally driven and value feelings and connection. They are active listeners and will need you to be empathetic and do the same for them. Acknowledge their feelings, making sure to ask them how they are before you move on to business discussions. This will help foster trust and create a space for open communication. 


Passive communicators don’t like conflict, use humble language and may be hesitant in asking questions or providing input. They may dance around a subject or delay decision-making, so encourage them to participate and actively solicit their feedback by using open-ended questions such as, “What are your thoughts on this approach?” or “Do you have any questions or concerns?” Summarise key points throughout the conversation to ensure understanding and respect their pace, it can take longer to build trust and the ability to have open conversations with passive communicators. 


Assertive communicators are very vocal, have strong opinions and tend to dominate discussions or speak louder than others in the room. This communication style can be challenging, but the best way to effectively communicate with them and get the best out of the conversation is to actively listen to their viewpoints and acknowledge their perspectives. Use phrases like, “I understand your concerns, and here’s why I recommend…” so that you can find common ground and create the opportunity to collaborate and achieve the best possible outcome. If you’re an assertive communicator try to allow others the opportunity to speak up too. 

Be more effective in all areas of life with better communication 

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. When you take the time to understand the communication preferences of those around you, you show respect for their individuality and needs. This, in turn, fosters an environment of trust and openness, making it easier to share ideas, provide feedback, and resolve conflicts. 

In professional settings, being adept at recognising and adapting to various communication styles can enhance teamwork and productivity. It ensures that everyone feels heard and valued which can lead to more innovative solutions and a more cohesive team dynamics. For example, understanding an analytical communicator’s need for detailed information can help you present your ideas more convincingly, while acknowledging an emotional communicator’s feelings can strengthen your working relationship. 

In personal interactions, adapting your communication style can also lead to deeper and more fulfilling relationships. By being sensitive to the needs of a passive communicator for example, you can encourage them to share their thoughts more openly, while effectively interacting with an assertive communicator can help you have the hard conversations without unnecessary conflict. 

Overall, the ability to understand and adapt to different communication styles is a powerful skill that allows you to connect with others on a deeper level, minimises misunderstandings, and fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration. By honing this skill, you not only enhance your communication abilities but also contribute to building stronger, more effective relationships in all areas of your life. 

Investing in Your Future with BARBRI’s Online Courses 

Ready to refine your communication skills? Explore our online courses designed to help legal professionals hone their communication techniques in areas like active listening, written communication, and public speaking as part of our #LegalLifeSkills programme.  

  • Flexible learning: Our courses are designed for busy schedules. They’re short, on-demand, and packed with practical tips and real-world examples you can put into action immediately. 
  • Expert-led instruction: Our courses are developed and delivered by legal professionals with extensive industry experience. 
  • Cost-effective: Compared to traditional in-person training, our online courses offer a cost-effective way to advance your communication skills. 
  • Convenient access: Learn from anywhere, anytime at your own pace. All you need is an internet connection. 

To find out more, enrol today or request a call back, visit Legal Life Skills | BARBRI  

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