U.S. law school tips

Should I transfer to another law school?

February 7, 2022

Whether you went into law school with plans to transfer after 1L year or decided to entertain the possibility after receiving stellar first semester grades, there are some things to consider before you make this huge leap. Transferring can completely change your law school experience as well as your future career path, so we’ve got […]

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Tips for a productive law school study group

February 3, 2022

Are you on the fence about joining a law school study group? Afraid the social aspect of a study group might take away valuable study time? There are definitely pros and cons to studying with your fellow students. The camaraderie can create confidence, especially when it’s time to prepare for exams. But relying heavily on […]

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Three easy steps for creating a “shell outline” in your 1L year

January 9, 2022

As a 1L student, one of the first things you’ll often hear about is outlining. There are many tactics and carving out the time to create your outlines can vary greatly. Whether you’re the type of student who prefers to outline each week or would rather dedicate a chunk of time closer to midterms or […]

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Waiting for your grades, perhaps the worst part of law school

December 19, 2021

[ Stephanie Baldwin, 2L at the University of Arizona ] Dear 1Ls, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but… you’ve just hit the worst part of law school. Yes… I know finals are terrible… but here is the thing… you’ve now entered the WAIT for your first semester grades. This, my friends, […]

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Books every law student should read for successful outcomes

March 8, 2021

By Kathryn Pope, University of Florida Levin College of Law While the amount of information accessible about law school is beneficial, it can also lead to information overload. When I searched for materials to get myself ready for the “law school mindset,” I did not know where to begin to look. Thankfully, I was introduced […]

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Law school note-taking part II

March 8, 2021

Mara Masters, Emory Law This week we are following that up with a rundown of my absolute favorite ever all-purpose app, Notion. Here’s how I have it set up: I start with a school dashboard that has my to-do list for the week along with a sub-page for each class and activity I am involved […]

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The essential role of law school supplements, from 1L to 3L

October 19, 2020

By Stephanie Baldwin, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law As 1L year reaches the midpoint of your first semester (and final exams loom just around the corner!), you may want some extra support to help drill home what you need to learn from those required first-year subjects. To maximize your understanding of […]

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A glimpse of what it’s like to pursue a part time law degree

October 19, 2020

By Bree A. Vculek, The George Washington University Law School Welcome to a day in the life of a law student – a part-time law student. I am often asked, “how do you do it all?” and “what does a day in your life look like?” I’m here to clarify that I definitely don’t “do it […]

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What you need and don’t need as a 1L (from a 2L who knows)

May 6, 2020

[ Stephanie Baldwin, 2L at the University of Arizona ] I am just a week away from finishing up my 2L, and the time has flown by incredibly fast. I see on Facebook and LinkedIn that people are proudly announcing their seat deposits and forging ahead with their dream of law school even in this […]

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Your Honor, may I have permission to screen share?

April 22, 2020

[ Stephanie Baldwin, 2L at the University of Arizona ] This past week I had my first trial over Zoom. Ok, so it was a bench trial, and for a class, but that doesn’t change the fact that I still had a sitting Judge, opposing counselors, and witnesses present. I was lucky enough to have […]

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