Remote Legal Volunteering Opportunities for Law Students

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If you’re looking to gain practical legal experience, build leadership skills, and add to your resume during your time in law school, there are many ways to make a difference from afar. Many law schools even provide academic credit for working as a virtual legal volunteer.

Whatever your motivation, the world needs good lawyers (and lawyers in the making). Your involvement may provide a taste of what it’s like to research and write an actual case summary, be a part of a legal team or cause, or improve an organization’s client relationships. At the same time, you free up attorneys to devote their expertise to client outcomes.

Look upon your experience as a volunteer as a chance to promote a positive image for law students, the legal profession, and the justice system. Remember that how you use your free time says a lot about who you are and what you value as an aspiring legal professional.

To help you make your mark, we’ve gathered a sampling of organizations that offer students volunteer opportunities.


ABA Commission on Immigration/Immigration Advocates Network

ABA Online Volunteering

Get Involved with the ABA’s Grassroots Initiative

National Organizations

Cancer Legal Resource Center

Disability Rights Legal Center

If, When, How

Lawyers Without Borders

Library of Congress: Remote Legal Gazette Program

Pro Bono Net

U.S. Department of Justice

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Bilingual Opportunities

Al Otro Lado

Kids in Need of Defense

Sanctuary for Families


Military Assistance Project (Indiana)

Military Pro Bono Project

Local and Regional Initiatives

West Coast

Community Legal Aid SoCal

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles

San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program


Legal Aid of Chicago

East Coast

Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York

Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project

Maryland Pro Bono Resource Center


Atlanta Legal Aid

Legal Aid of North Carolina

San Antonio Legal Services Association

Texas Advocacy Project

Texas Pro Bono Opportunity Portal

Ready to Make an Impact?

Getting started with remote legal volunteering is easier than you might think. Follow these simple steps to begin your volunteering journey:

  1. Identify your areas of interest.
  2. Research opportunities using resources found on this webpage.
  3. Reach out, apply, and be sure to highlight your skills, experience, and enthusiasm.
  4. Stay committed by treating the opportunity as you would any professional job.
  5. Take time to reflect on and learn from the experience to further your legal career.

The Golden Volunteer Opportunities app is a resource that lets you search for organizations to volunteer with, customized by time, location, interests, skills and more. You can also reach out to your school’s Center for Public Service, Office of Public Interest, or the equivalent, and local associations. And don’t forget to ask your professors and upper-level students for their recommendations.

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