BARBRI Legal Practice – Hawaii

University of Hawaii and BARBRI

A trusted partnership working for you

BARBRI is proud to be the University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law's preferred bar prep provider. And together, BARBRI and the University of Hawaii are here to guide and support your entire law school journey.

Real-time benefits for University of Hawaii students

We're here for you, from your first day of law school until you pass the bar.

BARBRI 1L Success Enhances your first year of law school with relevant outlines, on-demand lectures, and practice questions for all required 1L subjects. (You're automatically enrolled for free; use your school email to access your account).
BARBRI 2L/3L Success Provides clarity and understanding around challenging 2L and 3L subjects like Criminal Procedure, Evidence, and Wills & Trusts. (You're automatically enrolled for free; use your school email to access your account.)
BARBRI MPRE Review Helps you master Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam components while also supplementing your professional responsibility course. (The free MPRE Review course requires separate enrollment at 
3L Curriculum Premium curricular programs and resources for University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law.
2025 BARBRI Bar Review Premium
Enroll here or scan the QR code
Providing you precisely what you need to pass the bar exam, BARBRI Bar Review is time-tested, proven bar prep. The experience offers an online Personal Study Plan, a simulated MBE + Pass Predictor, interactive expert lectures from renowned professors, unlimited expert essay feedback, and thousands of practice questions. BARBRI Bar Review becomes available in mid-October (for February exam) and mid-March (for July exam).

Enroll now to take advantage of all of these great resources and benefits.
  • Adaptive, Personal Study Plan
  • BARBRI mobile app
  • 20-30 minute lectures
  • Simulated MBE + Pass Predictor report
  • Bar prep progress center
  • In-course substantive support
  • Diagnostic mock exams
  • Unlimited essay grading
  • Hardcopy + digital book
  • MBE Score Maximizer
  • Bar expert coaching
  • Early Start access
  • CriticalPass digital flashcards
  • BARBRI Guarantee
University of Hawaii Law students receive a substantially discounted BARBRI Premium Bar Review tuition to prep for 2025 bar exams: $1095 tuition plus fees. Use promo code BAR1095 when enrolling. Students are responsible for the $250 refundable book deposit plus shipping.

Your Personal BARBRI Contact

We hope you take advantage of these valuable resources. Got questions? We're here for you. Please reach out to your Director of Legal. Education, Mary Apodaca for help with accessing courses, billing a firm, using a stipend or to dive deeper into BARBRI benefits.  

You can email Mary at:  

To ensure you're enrolled in the right program at the right time, notify Mary or update your profile if your expected graduation date changes. 

We're 100% confident in our proven bar prep process. Our job is to get you 100% confident in yourself.

BARBRI Bar Review

badge most passes

Most passes

Nearly 90% of our students who do the average amount of prep pass the bar. Don't just take our word for it; ask the 1.4+ million lawyers, judges and legal professionals who have passed The BARBRI Way.

badge proven track record

Most proven

We've spent over 50 years optimizing and investing in The BARBRI Way. That's a proven track record. And that's why every minute you spend on BARBRI bar prep increases your chances of passing the bar exam.

badge most personalized

Most personalized

It starts with ISAAC, BARBRI's proprietary engine that creates a flexible, smart bar prep Personal Study Plan for you. ISAAC updates based on time remaining until your exam, customizations you make and the most statistically significant topics for passing the bar.

badge most points

Most points

With access to a Personal Study Plan, expert lectures from noted law professors, and a 5,500 MBE question bank, students who study The BARBRI Way score more points than students who don't.

badge most students

Most students

Every year, more students prepare for the bar with BARBRI than all other courses. Combined. For an exam with a curved score, that means you can trust us to analyze your chances of passing before you even sit for the exam.

Three easy ways to enroll:


Contact your DLE, Mary, via email at


Visit, select Premium, and use code BAR1095


Talk to a BARBRI representative at 1-888-322-7274 or email

We're here for you every step of The BARBRI Way

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