Prep Preview: Your free peek into BARBRI's SQE Prep learning platform

Get access to our SQE Prep online learning tool before you enrol

Start studying now for the January 2024 exam

Is BARBRI the right choice for you?

The decision to enrol onto an SQE Prep course is exciting, but it's also a big financial commitment. And while we are confident we will be a great SQE study partner for you, we understand that you may want to experience the course before you commit. It's for that reason we developed the BARBRI SQE Prep Preview. By testing the course first, you can make an informed choice about your SQE Prep provider. 

Make learning easier with ISAAC

Our Intuitive Study Assistant And Coach, or ISAAC, is the brain behind your BARBRI SQE Prep course. It curates an online Personal Study Plan (PSP) for you. And as you work your way through the course, your calendar is optimised and your learning is personalised to give you the greatest chance of success.

Watch the video to get an insight into how it all works.


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BARBRI SQE Prep Preview

BARBRI SQE Prep Preview

Sign up for the BARBRI SQE Prep Preview to get a taster of the course before you enrol.

What our students say

"I was particularly impressed by the availability of the tutors, and the study guides. The workbooks were straight to the point, without overloading us with too much information. I very much enjoyed studying with Barbri."

Severine Smyth

SQE1 Prep Student

“I’ve really enjoyed working with BARBRI and have found the service very easy to use and helpful.”

Rebekka Hayles

SQE1 Prep Student
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